Part V

Deadline: 31.08.2025

This part focuses on security issues related to interconnected software. The participant will learn the principles of developing web applications, typical security issues that are related to such applications, and how such issues are discovered and mitigated.

This course assumes that you are (somewhat) familiar with programming in python and comfortable with using command line commands.

By continuing, you agree to not to do any harm with this information or other similar information on the internet.

You are not logged in. Some parts of the material are only for logged in users. You can log in here:

The course consists of 6 parts.

To pass the course you need 115 points out of 136.

Before starting the course

Please read the instructions on how to start and pass the course. Especially, pay extra attention on 'how to pass' section as this course requires additional steps in order to receive ECTS credits.

Completing the course requires setting up TestMyCode environment. Please read the installation instructions.

Support channel and contact information

For support channel use Discord (use #csb_general channel).

For any further questions, contact grp-cybersecuritybase(at)
