Part I

Deadline: 31.08.2025

About the course

This course of the course series will introduce the participant to the relevant issues in cyber security. These issues include the stakeholders' and users' ability to disrupt the functionality of a system; corporate responsibilities and liabilities; and the never-ending software crisis that is related to the increasing amount of software and maintenance. Here, we also introduce the basics of internet communication protocols and a gentle introduction to cryptography.

This course has only 1 part.

To pass the course you need 27 (out of 33) points.

Before starting the course

Please read the instructions on how to start and pass the course. Especially, pay extra attention on 'how to pass' section as this course requires additional steps in order to receive ECTS credits.

Support channel and contact information

For support channel use Discord (use #csb_general channel).

For any further questions, contact grp-cybersecuritybase(at)

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